Meet the Editor

Writing is like love to me. It is the pang of the heart during moments of  passion. It is waiting for the next move. It’s the moment between your heart sinking and that feeling of elation–that up and down roller coaster of love is much the same as writing.

After writing and loving for so long, an author is ready to let the relationship between words and thoughts materialize into a solid foundation.

I help guide that love into a book.

Writers see the downpour of ideas, they can feel the tremors of their doubts, but when handing over the work, they hardly ask about the editor’s personality. They hardly question who it is they are trusting with their love.

Knowing who your editor is  has value. Their personality frames their approach to your writing. Just as the author’s outlook frames their writing and their ideas, the editor’s outlook frames the editing process.

Putting a face to the name is absolutely important. Otherwise you may be sending all that hard work to a wood chipper.

Let me go ahead and introduce myself. My name is Norah Sarsour, and I edit every book that lands in my lap. Unlike others, I never EVER outsource books. Some of my work can be found in my portfolio. I work intimately with my authors, and I make it a point to be there beyond the editing process. If that means discussing a strategy for blogging or social media, where to publish, how your cover art should look, what your book summary should consist of–consider it done.

I am a teacher at heart, and so, I naturally feel inclined to edit your book for improvement and efficacy. Even if it is a fiction–we want the reader to walk away and see something they never noticed in the world. You will walk away happy, content, and empowered. And most importantly, loved.

So let’s talk. Tell me, what is it you aspire to do? What does your work represent, and what impact do you want it to have? I have written non-profit programs to poetry, so whatever it is you have before you, even a tedious patent description or a policy booklet, I have done it all.

All writing has purpose. I keep editing and working until you say stop. I do not limit reads, and if you add content, I do not charge more. It is just one simple rate pending the length and deadline of the project.

I am sincerely passionate about writing, creativity, and the spirit invested into books.


Here’s a chance to get to know your future editor.

  • I pride myself on living in variable conditions, cultures, contexts, and communities. I travel where the wind carries me. Wherever I land becomes my home. I have lived in several countries as an expat and absolutely thrive in diversity. I am a world citizen!
  • All American! There is something special about the different narratives of America, whether they come from the rural south or the urban centers of our major cities. Despite the geographical variances, there is a unifying spirit and a shared hope to be the absolutely best.
  • I am a Romantic. Romantic literature, a love for nature, and the truth of our natural world is really inspiring when it comes to writing.
  • But I also love to write and edit at a busy corner, where I can watch the world go by and find truths in the movements of humanity.
  • My favorite quotation by one of my favorite authors is: “I saw all the mirrors on earth and none of them reflected me.” Jorge Luis Borges just captivates me–but he can induce some philosophical headaches for some.
  • I was a teacher for about six years. I know how to approach learners and how to frame words into action. I love to teach writing!
  • I am a mother, I love to garden, and I consider myself a pretty good cook. In turn, an editor nurtures your work, cultivates your ideas, and presents a juicy final product for readers to ultimately feast upon!
  • Graduated from UCLA (2009) with a BA in English Literature
  • Graduated with a MEd from Concordia University (2014)

Go ahead, ask me anything. For California based writers, we can schedule a meeting over a nice cup of coffee.

I am available to guide you through your writing, ideas, the editing process, and even how to focus on a particular audience strategically.

Feel free to  contact me to schedule a free consultation or just to say hello!

Much love,

Norah Sarsour